Estée Lauder. New York, NY. Magenta: Diva or Destroyer? Seminar.
ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. Space and Light—Wandershine Weeklong Workshop.
Walker Art Center. Minneapolis, MN. Chromatic Summer (weekly seminar by color such as White Fest and Tan Fest).
Walker Art Center. Minneapolis, MN. Glow Geodesic Workshop designed to complement the "Tomás Saraceno: Lighter Than Air" Exhibition.
Walker Art Center. Minneapolis, MN. Light Manipulators designed to complement the "Eero Saarinen: Shaping the Future" Exhibition.
Barnard/Columbia University. New York, NY. Website Design Bootcamp.
Gachon University. Seoul, Korea. Invisible Cities: An International Workshop on Design and Innovation Through Storytelling.
Tainan National University for the Arts. Tainan, Taiwan. Invisible Cities: An International Workshop on Design and Innovation Through Storytelling Weeklong Workshop.